Visitbloomsburg Name Servers

Name Server is basically a computer server. Computers do not comprehend the web site address; they are using IP (Internet Protocol). Therefore, each computer has its own unique IP. Name Server is basically a “translator” that converts the website domain name into an IP address. Thus, each domain has its name server.

Unlike other host companies, they have only two default name servers: and Visitbloomsburg has hundreds of name servers. It is also one of the reasons that Visitbloomsburg is more secured than other host companies.

Name Server plays a vital role in today’s internet world. As mentioned before, each domain has its Name Server. When you sign up with your host, they will designate at least two name servers to your domain. You will need to copy those two name servers, and update your domain name servers at your domain registrar. It is pretty simply process. After you updated the name server, make sure that the domain is unlocked, so the domain can be transferred over. Domain propagation usually takes only 1 or 2 hours, but all depends on location, in some rare cases, it might take up to 24 hours. After your domain is propagated, you can go back to your domain registrar, and lock the domain, this way, so you domain does not accidently be transferred to different host.  You know domain is propagated, when you clear history of your browser, and when you enter your domain url, and your host’s default landing page is appearing.

To find out your own Visitbloomsburg name servers, you can login to your, and on the left panel of the Cpanel, you will see Account Information. In there, you will see two Name Servers. To point a domain to your host, you need at least two name servers; some of host companies have even four name servers.

Visitbloomsburg Name Servers


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