Visitbloomsburg Domain Registrar

Although the main service of Visitbloomsburg is hosting, they do have their own domain registrar and they have their own domain registration services. New customer can order their desired domain during the process of signup. For example, when you click “Order Now”, the first step is choosing a domain. Currently, they are only offering three more popular domain extension: .com, .net, and .org. They do claim that they will add more in the future.

During the first step of registration, you will be required to register a new domain or enter your existing domain url. After that, at the second section, you will have option of entering coupon code. The default coupon code only save your 20 percent. You can use our Exclusive coupon codes on our site to save 25 percent more or try first month for free. You can simply delete the coupon code in the box, and then replace with one of our coupon codes. And then in the next page, you will be required to enter payment and contact information. After everything is done, Visitbloomsburg will email you the account information, which includes login information for Cpanel and Account login for Visitbloomsburg.

Please note that new domain might not be available right away, because it involves domain registration and domain propagation, both which might take  up to 24 hours. After the domain and account become available. Visitbloomsburg will send you an email to notify you. And then you can have full access to the Cpanel and domain will be fully functional, and you can begin to build your site.

On the other hand, if you entered your own domain during the registration, make sure you have changed the domain dns and pointed to the Visitbloomsburg DNS. Your Visitbloomsburg DNS will be included in the email. In addition, you might need to make sure the domain is unlocked. The domain propagation might take up to 24 hours.

The whole process of domain registration is pretty straightforward, it usually takes less than 15 minutes to do it. However, if you have any problem or concern during the registration, you can always contact Visitbloomsburg customer services, they are usually pretty helpful.



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